Theosophy is an esoteric philosophy based on ancient religions and myths, particularly Buddhism.
The name Liberal Catholic Church (LCC) is used by a number of separate Christian churches throughout the world which are open to esoteric beliefs and hold many ideas in common.
Among many things, it is a Science, a Philosophy, and a system of morality and ethics that employs ritual drama to convene self-evident truths.
C.W.Leadbeater had the Chalice made for Byron Casselberry when he was ordained to priesthood in 1926.
Marie Russak had the 18kt gold pendant made for her ritual Temple of the Rosy Cross during the 1920's
Having a very detailed record of Krishnamurti's life and work, and his relationship to the Adyar Theosophical Society enables the researcher to really document objectively, and know very well what he and the leaders did and said.